welcome to the club

wonderful journeys to untold places made just for two

boat trips and flower ladies and envelopes with your names on them, beautiful rooftops and basements and picnics and drivers that know where you’re going (but.you.do.not), places you didn’t know existed, Luigi and his one-winged parrot, jars of honey to be delivered, packages from cloakrooms that weren’t left by you. Maybe. We can’t admit to anything. Except that this is your date and this is all about you. simply. having. a. lovely. time. together. planned. by. us.
We meticulously plan incredible, edible, delightfully magical, surprise filled evenings for you and your date, making your adventure together effortlessly exciting.
Perfect anniversary gifts, great wedding presents, birthday treats or simply just to celebrate each other.  Indulge in a journey full of surprise, tinged with the excitement of the unknown.
find out more hello@secretdateclub.co.uk



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It’s nice to have you in the club.

You book the babysitter. We’ll do the rest.